Thursday, July 1, 2010

145. Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand:

I would make my mom healthy again so that she could spend more time with all her grand children.

I would give all humans empathy so they could better understand eachother.

I would convince Katie that she really is smart and beautiful.

I would get Abbey to understand that every injustice has nothing to do with her.

Curtis could stop worrying.

I would never stop teaching, still live in Van Nuys, shop at Target, and drive a Saturn.

I would beg for patience.

Forgive and let go.

- excuse the typos...posted via Windo's iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Wow - ok here's some of my deeds if you passed that wand to me:
    - I would learn patience and total acceptance
    - I would give my boys the gift of tolerance and self esteem with the moral fortitude to face life head on and enjoy the journey along the way.
    - I would seek forgiveness for all the silly mistakes I made along my journey through this thing called life
    - I would create a way for Russ to retire and both of us be able to pursue our first love, photography, traveling (with Beau of courseand documenting our journey
    - I would give an endowment to COC's and other community college photography departments so other students could embrace the wonder of this form of art.
    - I would have enough financial freedom to be able to take the time, pause, and experience life rather than racing through it.

    The funny thing is I wouldn't necessarily waste a wish to rid myself of MS - you might think that odd, but having the disease has given me the opportunity to accomplish some of the things listed above - and that, in itself, is priceless.


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