Wednesday, February 24, 2010

18. Success or Failure

Health insurance is so public - it's in the news daily. Everyone has an opinion. During a routine doctor's appointment today, my physician had an opinion about the recession, health care crisis, and even the failure of Generation Y. I like this man, because unlike most Kaiser Permanente doctors he actually finds the time to talk to patients like we are real people. It is so unusual. During our discussion we agreed on a lot of things... that the health system needed an overhaul, LA public schools are a mess, and "kids these days" are so down right disrespectful & lazy. But we didn't agree on everything. Our conversation started with the typical the recession is starting to bottom out but it will take awhile before things feel right again.  I mentioned I hoped that living during these insecure times would give the next generation what it needs to be the next great generation. Living through times of difficulty is often what a culture needs to turn its self around. My doctor didn't agree. How pessimistic! How could you get up in the morning if you really thought we are all going to crash and burn? What would be the point to continue? I just can't think this way. No matter how annoyed and pissed off I am one day, after a good night's sleep, I have to refocus and hope I can be part of the solution.

So as I wait one month for the first available appointment to receive my first of many routine mammograms, I have to have faith that we can succeed.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you thought that the kids of today should be motivated by the current financial crisis to build bigger and better things but many of the younger generation I've met don't even know how to work to acheive something. I have met a few who are truly outstanding with ambition, work ethic and manners but why is it that I should be surprised when I meet them. It saddens me to think that I've come to expect the opposite from them.


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