Monday, October 25, 2010

261. She just hates me...

Katie received a poor mark on a homework assignment. I asked what happened. Why the bad grade? Her response... "She [the teacher] just hates me!" I had to laugh and this only frustrated Katie. I laughed because it brought me back to when I was a student and I use to think the same thing. That teacher's were bias in their evaluation. Now that I am all grown up (a teacher) and I had to rethink this... I try to remain neutral but I will admit there is a little bit of truth in the stereotype. Students that try hard, ask questions, are involved in classroom discussions, and are respectful I have a harder time giving them poor marks. I become vested in their lives and education and I want them to succeed. These students motivate me as a teacher. Students who are apathetic, defensive in posture, show up late, fail to complete assignments and then shrug when you try to find out what is going on? I don't hate them, of course not... but I am not as motivated to go the extra mile.

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