Friday, March 26, 2010

48. Hijacked

Yesterday I got home late Curtis and Katie were at each other's throats over a science project gone wrong. I thought it may be a good idea to separate the two, so I decided to bring Katie with me to the mountains this weekend. She is having a blast, playing in the snow, keeping up with the college kids, cracking rocks with a large hammer, and staying up past her bed time. There is a lot more kid and a lot less tween in her all of a sudden. It is amazing that if you get the kid out of the city, they return to their chronologic age.

As you can see, she didn't stay away from technology all day. This evening when we got back to the cabin, she had to get wired. I was able to solicit her participation in creating this portrait only if I allowed her to write my blog tonight. So here you are...

Katie: Tonight I am doing my mom's post or as she calls it, "Hijacked". I am camping [termed applied loosely - we are in a cabin with a kitchenette and a private bathroom]. I was playing on the computer which was very slow [at least the cabin has wireless, we are supposedly camping, remember?] and my mom came up to me and started to take photographs [nothing unusual here]. Until I realized that the lens was special I thought it was going to be an ordinary photograph [please define ordinary - are you calling your mother's photographs ordinary- ouch].When I looked at the photograph it was really cool, because it looks like "Alison and Wonderland" features - like the seven doors in the big open room [I assume  a translation of drug intoxication... I didn't see the movie, but I read the book]. My mom was telling me to keep my head down but look up, but it was kind of hard [torture & child abuse]. But I got through it [because I really do love her and want to please her].  In my mom's blog, does she ever put anything good about me? I read some of her blog, but I have only gotten so far [ADHD], so I don't know if she has ever put anything good in it. [Lots of great stuff but you likely will never appreciate it.]

1 comment:

  1. Good job on this one Windo. I like the idea of letting your daughter write it this time and by the way tell her she did a great job. I'm assuming you used a fisheye lens for this pic? I'm guessing here, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, good post!!
    Rick :)


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