Saturday, May 29, 2010


I feel great.

This is the weekend before finals, so I don't have any grading to catch up on. The fall schedule is done. Unless I have totally forgotten something (which is possible) I don't have a ton of work to do this weekend. This is completely unusual for a teacher. By the way... for those of you that think that teaching is an easy cushy job? Think ahead. It is a job that rarely, rarely is out of your mind. It is a job that you are "on" constantly. If you aren't teaching... you are prepping. If you aren't prepping... you are grading. If you are grading... you are worrying. And this year, particularly in the state of California there is worry not only about your students, but if you will have a job at all. I wonder what a job would be like if you just went home at the end of the day and didn't take 70 essays to bed with you every night.

I have friends that say, "You have summers off. You only work 9 months of the year." Yes true, but its level 10 of those 9 months.

This weekend, the lull before the storm, was like the perfect storm. Curtis is close to finals too, and LAUSD is attempt to save money gave all teachers a furlough day on Friday, with Monday a holiday, and the students have the days off too. So as a family we have 4 days off together and with soccer done and play production over and nothing else in the way... we really have 4 days OFF together. It feels great. I feel great.

Next week will be hell...

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