Friday, June 25, 2010

139. Span

Some old friends are in town to visit this weekend and we had dinner with them. After dinner our girls and their daughter went swimming at the hotel. As we were sitting there, watching them, my mind couldn't help but wander. Dave and I have now known each other for more than half our lifes. When we met I was a sophomore in college and Curtis & Dave played in a rock band. We were 19 years old and so young in so many ways.

When you meet someone for the first time you don't know if you will ever see each other again much less become friends. When we met in a hallway in Hollywood I had no idea that this would be someone that I would continue to know for decades to come. I had no idea that Dave would introduce me to my future friend, turned boy friend, husband and eventual father of my kids. And it was completely surreal sitting there as full blown adults watching our girls swim and swapping parenting tips.

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