Saturday, August 7, 2010

182. Anal

Half of 365 is 182 1/2 ... I have felt a lot of anxiety about tonight's post. Am I half way through this crazy project? Or just on the cusp of half way? Crazy as it seems I don't want to celebrate pre-maturely. I tried to discuss the matter with Curtis and my friend Dave and they both had a similar reaction - does it matter? This is my blog, my rules, if I want celebrate who cares. And as Dave noted how many people really have time to read the blog any way. True, all true. But to me it matters. I wasn't sure I could make it a month much less six. So here I am splitting hairs...being overly anal about the rules of this blog. Did I make it? Am I half way?


  1. Everyone is going to read this post. I guarantee it? Is that picture from inside the body? It's wigging me out! In a cool, artistic way, of course!

  2. I guarantee it! That was supposed to be an exclamation point, not a question mark.

  3. I read your blog and I enjoy it!! I would miss it if you stopped.


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Three Hundred Sixty Five One Photo at a Time