Saturday, August 28, 2010

203. Walk

Many of my friends and family know I am attempting to walk 40 miles in one weekend in order to raise many for breast cancer research. The Avon Walk is in two weeks and I have been training for almost one year. Unfortunately I feel I am not ready. I have been walking every week, several times a week but have had some serious set backs due to blisters. I think that I have finally tackled the blister problem - a combination of calluses, powder, bandaids, second skin, moleskin, new shoes, new socks, and new orthodics. But in the meantime I just couldn't walk more than about 10 miles. Now the blisters are under control I am trying to turn up the mileage. The day was beautiful (not too hot) and free of obligations, so I decided to walk until I just couldn't walk any more. I could only make it 18 miles. That is a whole 8 shy of what I need to do in one day in just two weeks. Just not good enough. I am truly frustrated!

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